Kenneth and María Santana, also known as Mr. and Mrs. Brows are a mother and son microblading duo who hold the title of Master Trainer’s for the Beauty Angels Academy. In reference to each of their credentials and characteristics spoken about in their biographies, it is appropriate to assume that they both are breathtaking artists. Due to the fact that they are mother and son, this provides the astounding advantage that they can feed off each others critiques, tips and techniques to ultimately provide each client with groundbreaking results. This team expresses pure talent and artistry. Mr. and Mrs. Brows have the complete capacity to provide each aspiring Angel with an uncomplicated form of achieving spectacular results by offering a mentorship filled with patience, dedication and passion.
María Santana
Maria is one of the Master Trainer’s for Beauty Angels Academy. She was born on the Island of Puerto Rico but was raised in New York City. Since the year 2011, María became infatuated with all things related to cosmetics and beauty. She then proceeded to become a Professional Make-up artist who’s main objective was not to change the appearance of ones physical features but to enhance natural beauty. Given these points, María later went on to discover her love and passion for semi-permanent makeup in the year 2016. This Master Trainer strives for perfection in her results and posseses many characteristics that make her into a professional with an extraordinary work ethic. María showcases a genuine passion for microblading which can be clearly seen in her alluring pieces of work.
Kenneth Santana
Kenneth is one of the Master Trainer’s for Beauty Angels Academy. He was born and raised in New Jersey and is the son of María Santana, one of our Master Trainer’s. Upon graduating high school in 2013, Kenneth decided to pursue a career in Nursing to eventually become an RN with a specialty in anestethsia. After completing three years of college, Kenneth was introduced to microblading by his mother, María in 2018 and developed a genuine love for semi-permanent makeup. Upon many months of practice, Kenneth showcased exceptional domination of the techniques utilized to perfectly complete a microblading procedure. Given that Kenneth only initiated his microblading career in 2018, he is one of the fastest growing microblading artist in the industry. Although he is relatively new to the industry, his work and technique show the complete opposite. In addition, it is evident that the microblading industry is female dominant and given that he is male is a rare but extraordinary characteristic. His results showcases natural beauty, art and talent that is driven by true passion and love for microblading.